Fundraising Accountability

To continue our work, we depend on the support of people like you! We are so grateful for the generosity of all our supporters and we treat all donations with the highest ethical standards.

We recognise that as a recipient of large amounts of public funds and private donations from organisations and individuals we have a duty to use our financial resources properly and effectively.

We do, and we always will. If in doubt, always get in touch. We take the issue of transparency and accountability very seriously and are delighted to answer any questions you may have.

Call us on 014537111 in Dublin or 02890647755 in Belfast.

We are committed to transparency and accountability in all of our activities, including fundraising activities. Our CEO David Carroll describes Depaul’s commitment to transparency and accountability here and a full copy of our latest SORP accounts can be found here.

We are committed to fundraising ethics and standards as set out in Guidelines for Charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public and UK Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice.

Depaul is also registered with the Charities Governance Code and the journey for Charities Institute Ireland’s Triple Lock standard.

Please find downloads below with the documents relating to our commitment to the best practices in fundraising.

Depaul Donor Charter 

Depaul Fundraising Complaints Procedure

Depaul Public Statement on Compliance with Fundraising Principles
