Our Strategic Plan 2024-2026

Our Ambitious Targets

In the next three years, we aim to transform the lives of 3,500 individuals by moving them out of homelessness or homeless services. This ambitious goal is a testament to our unwavering commitment to ending homelessness and changing lives, a mission we’ve championed since our establishment in Ireland in 2002, and Northern Ireland in 2005.

Our Journey and Achievements

Since our inception, Depaul has been at the forefront of delivering innovative and specialist services tailored to meet the unique needs of people experiencing homelessness. We have continually adapted to the evolving face of homelessness, addressing local, national, and international challenges that place increasing pressure on our sector.

Key Objectives for 2024-2026

Our strategic plan includes several critical targets:

Staff Retention: Our dedicated staff are the cornerstone of our best-practice services. We are committed to retaining our exceptional team, ensuring they have the support and resources needed to excel.

Development of Depaul Housing: We are spearheading efforts to provide homes for those with the greatest need through the development of Depaul Housing.

Sustainable Growth: Our organisation’s responsible and sustainable growth will be driven by increasing our income and advocacy, underpinned by a culture of strong governance, transparency, and integrity.

Our Approach

Our approach remains trauma-informed, housing-led, and low-threshold. We place the voice of our service users and individuals with lived experience at the heart of everything we do.

Join Us in Leading the Way Home

We invite you to read Depaul’s Strategic Plan for 2024-2026 here.

Together, we can lead the way home for people experiencing homelessness.
